Humans can't synthesize vitamin C, and so it doesn't stay in the body. This means we need a daily intake of this vital micronutrient to live and avoid diseases or further complications. An excellent source is vitamin C sourced from natural whole foods such as Kakadu Plum.
Vitamin C is the most purchased vitamin today. It is sold as a synthetic isolate as a complex nutritional whole food. It is an essential regulator of physiological processes in humans and is essential for the human body's growth and development. It strengthens our immune system and helps to maintain its normal function during and after intense physical exercise.
In addition, vitamin C increases iron absorption; as an antioxidant, it protects cells against oxidative stress and reduces tiredness; it is vital for healthy collagen formation and the proper function of blood vessels, skin, bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, gums, and teeth. Vitamin C helps control metabolism; it helps improve the functioning of the nervous system and is an important cofactor for many different enzymes in the body. It is required to synthesize the most important protein in our body, collagen. Vitamin C is necessary to regenerate vitamin E and is essential in producing the body's most potent protector from free radicals, Glutathione (a powerful antioxidant produced by the liver).
Collagen is an essential part of the connective tissue, making up the bone structure, the skin, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, stomach tissue, and other parts of the body. Thus, vitamin C is used in the cosmetic industry to promote healthy, firm skin and reduce wrinkles. It can effectively lower homocysteine and bad cholesterol LDL levels while raising the good cholesterol HDL concentrations in middle-aged-to-elderly healthy individuals.
It's an antioxidant that protects living organisms' cells from oxidative stress caused by free radicals, toxic chemicals, and pollutants. It is often referred to as the perfect "quick-change artist" of the immune system. When it discovers a pathogenic cell, it will turn itself into a benign substance called DHA or dehydroascorbic acid. Once inside a pathogen, it turns back into ascorbic acid, causing the malignant cells to self-destruct.
According to an Institute report;
"even in small amounts, vitamin C can protect indispensable molecules in the body, such as proteins, lipids (fats), carbohydrates, and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), from damage by free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are generated during normal metabolism, by active immune cells, and through exposure to toxins and pollutants."
Vitamin C also has anti-aging properties. As an antioxidant, vitamin C protects against free radicals, promotes an even skin tone, helps minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and brightens the skin. It also helps shield the skin from free radical damage caused by environmental aggressors while increasing protection against sun damage.
It is also helpful in synthesizing carnitine neurotransmitters, including dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, and tyrosine's catabolism. It acts as an important mediator between the genome and the environment and participates in the demethylation of DNA and histones epigenome (helps improve the DNA structure).
Vitamin C also plays a critical role in immune function by improving natural killer cells' activity and allowing cell-to-cell communication between immunological cells during infection leading to a coordinated response against infectious agents. It also allows the proper absorption of iron present in plant-based foods.
Natural Vitamin C
Natural Vitamin C exists in nature as a complex composed of bioactive molecules that work well together to provide health and wellbeing. However, synthetic isolated vitamin C does not contain these components and cannot deliver the same range of advantages as the natural version. Furthermore, organic sources of natural vitamin C will have a less toxic load on the body.
Natural vitamin C is only found in whole foods (e.g., fruits and vegetables) and whole food-based supplements. It is supplied not as a single isolated ingredient but as multiple nutrients and phytochemicals such as flavonoids, all working together synergistically. Flavonoids are potent antioxidants with anti-inflammatory and immune system benefits.
It is important to seek natural existing alternatives when making choices about what we consume and choose products containing all these additional beneficial nutrients.
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Kakadu Plum is high in bioflavonoids, polyphenols, and phenolic compounds, which help absorb vitamin C and provide superior antioxidant capacity. Diets rich in these specific nutrients have been linked to the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis, neurodegenerative disease, and signs of aging.
Kakadu Plum is rich in Ellagic and Gallic acids; it contains lutein, a vital compound in eye health and wellbeing, folate, and has a high potassium:sodium ratio, which may help to reduce hypertension. It is high in fiber and contains minerals such as zinc, magnesium, calcium, and iron, and reported to be antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory.
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